11 Popular Houseplants You Can Propagate from Leaves
Propagating houseplants from leaves is an excellent way to increase your plant collection while learning more about plant care and growth.
These 11 houseplants are easy to grow from leaves, making them ideal for beginners and seasoned plant lovers alike.
With options that range from succulents to lush foliage plants, these houseplants offer an enjoyable and satisfying way to grow new plants from just a leaf.
Discover the perfect houseplants to propagate and fill your indoor space with fresh greenery.
Peperomia is a delightful and adaptable plant known for its thick, rounded leaves and ease of care. Taking a healthy leaf from the base and allowing it to root in indirect light makes propagation simple, rewarding you with new growth within weeks.
This low-maintenance beauty adds a touch of greenery to any indoor space without requiring much attention.
Bunny Ear Cactus
Bunny ear cactus brings a charming desert vibe with its iconic pads or "ears" that root easily in a cactus mix. After letting the cut pad heal for a few days, planting it upright in well-draining soil will help establish it quickly.
A bright but indirect spot keeps it thriving, adding a playful texture and unique shape to your home.
African Violets
African violets add cheerful blooms and velvety leaves to your space, thriving with minimal effort. These beauties grow easily from a single leaf; all it takes is placing a fresh, healthy leaf in a light potting mix.
With indirect light, you’ll see this lovely plant take root and fill your indoor garden with rich colors.
ZZ Plant
ZZ plant offers resilience and a lush, glossy look, perfect for low-light areas. Propagating it from its plump leaves requires patience, as the plant roots more slowly.
Nonetheless, once established, this low-maintenance favorite keeps your indoor space feeling fresh with its naturally glossy, vibrant green leaves.
Sweetheart Hoya
Sweetheart hoya charms with its heart-shaped leaves and compact form, making it a unique plant to cherish. Although slower to propagate than most, a single leaf planted in well-draining soil brings a touch of romance to your indoor garden.
Once rooted, it grows steadily, adding long-lasting appeal to any corner.
Flowering Kalanchoe
Flowering kalanchoe brightens rooms with clusters of small blooms in shades of pink, red, and yellow. A healthy leaf left to callus before planting grows easily in a seed-starting mix, making propagation straightforward.
With moderate watering and indirect light, this cheerful plant rewards you with vibrant flowers year-round.
Rex Begonia
Rex begonia is celebrated for its dramatic foliage, boasting vibrant colors and textures. A healthy leaf can root easily by placing it flat on soil, allowing small plantlets to grow along its veins.
This stunning plant thrives in indirect light and high humidity, bringing an exotic and artistic flair to any indoor space.
Aloe vera is prized for its healing properties and adds an elegant, sculptural form to any indoor garden. Growing it from a leaf requires patience, as successful rooting can be tricky.
A sunny spot and well-draining soil support its growth, allowing this plant to become a striking, useful feature in your indoor oasis.
Snake Plant
Snake plant purifies air and requires little care, making it ideal for new plant owners. To propagate, a simple leaf cut in soil or water grows easily into a new plant.
Its upright, sword-like leaves lend a modern, architectural touch to rooms, while its resilience makes it a longtime companion in your home.
Chinese Money Plant
Chinese money plant stands out with its coin-like leaves, symbolizing good fortune and prosperity. Taking a stem cutting with a leaf and planting it in well-draining soil brings new growth, creating a compact and stylish addition to any room.
This charming plant adds personality to spaces with its unique round leaves.
Jade Plant
Jade plant is a symbol of good luck and ease, with fleshy leaves that root effortlessly in well-draining soil. By simply letting the cut end heal before planting, this hardy succulent establishes quickly.
It grows well in bright spots, adding a touch of green to your home while requiring minimal maintenance.